This function locates the computer that processed a failed user logon attempt which caused a user account to become locked out.
This function will locate the computer that processed a failed user logon attempt which caused the user account to become locked out.
The locked out location is found by querying the PDC Emulator for locked out events (4740).
The function will display the BadPasswordTime attribute on all of the domain controllers to add in further troubleshooting.
PS C:\>Get-LockedOutLocation -Identity Jimmy.John
This example will find the locked out location for Jimmy John.
-This function is only compatible with an environment where the domain controller with the PDC Emulator role is running Windows Server 2008 SP2 and higher.
-The script is dependent on the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module, which requires the AD Web services to be running on at least one domain controller.
Author: Brandon Lanczak
Last Modified: 10-08-2022 @ 21:00 CST
Function Get-LockedOutLocation {
Begin {
$DCCounter = 0
$LockedOutStats = @()
Try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch {
Write-Warning $_
Process {
#Get all domain controllers in domain
$DomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
$PDCEmulator = $DomainControllers | Where-Object { $_.OperationMasterRoles -contains "PDCEmulator" }
Write-Verbose "Finding the domain controllers in the domain"
ForEach($DC in $DomainControllers) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Contacting DCs for lockout info" -Status "Querying $($DC.Hostname)" -PercentComplete (($DCCounter/$DomainControllers.Count) * 100)
Try { $UserInfo = Get-ADUser -Identity $Identity -Server $DC.Hostname -Properties AccountLockoutTime,LastBadPasswordAttempt,BadPwdCount,LockedOut -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch {
Write-Warning $_
if ($UserInfo.LastBadPasswordAttempt) {
$LockedOutStats += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Name = $UserInfo.SamAccountName
SID = $UserInfo.SID.Value
LockedOut = $UserInfo.LockedOut
BadPwdCount = $UserInfo.BadPwdCount
BadPasswordTime = $UserInfo.BadPasswordTime
DomainController = $DC.Hostname
AccountLockoutTime = $UserInfo.AccountLockoutTime
LastBadPasswordAttempt = ($UserInfo.LastBadPasswordAttempt).ToLocalTime()
$LockedOutStats | Format-Table -Property Name,LockedOut,DomainController,BadPwdCount,AccountLockoutTime,LastBadPasswordAttempt -AutoSize
#Get User Info
Try {
Write-Verbose "Querying event log on $($PDCEmulator.HostName)"
$LockedOutEvents = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $PDCEmulator.HostName -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security';Id=4740} -ErrorAction Stop | Sort-Object -Property TimeCreated -Descending
Catch {
Write-Warning $_
ForEach ($Event in $LockedOutEvents) {
if ($Event | Where {$_.Properties[2].value -match $UserInfo.SID.Value}) {
$Event | Select-Object -Property @(
@{Label = 'User'; Expression = {$_.Properties[0].Value}}
@{Label = 'DomainController'; Expression = {$_.MachineName}}
@{Label = 'EventId'; Expression = {$_.Id}}
@{Label = 'LockedOutTimeStamp'; Expression = {$_.TimeCreated}}
@{Label = 'Message'; Expression = {$_.Message -split "`r" | Select -First 1}}
@{Label = 'LockedOutLocation'; Expression = {$_.Properties[1].Value}}